I experienced every feeling I’ve ever suppressed, and instead of feeling bad about myself, I could see my hurt for what it was.

I acknowledged the loss of companionship, I acknowledged the loneliness that was present in my space, I felt the pain and pressure of being single and raising children alone, I cried over missing my old life. I had never looked any of these losses in the eye, and it hurt. It was only a matter of moments before all of this sank in and I broke down sobbing. It would present itself in unhealthy behaviors, as illness, and would subconsciously steal my joy and progress if I didn’t take some time to dance with it. I have had no time for grief, but it no longer mattered what I had time for grief was going to rob me of the time it needed whether I wanted it or not. It had seemed unbecoming of the strong person I have had to be. I’ve always known grief to be uncomfortable. She said something that one hour before I wouldn’t have believed, but now recognized was absolutely true: “The body always knows.”įor 10 years I’d been running away from a deep need to grieve my losses. She laughed at my greeting and then listened as I told her what had just occurred to me. “How did you know to call right now?” I asked. For me, grief had always felt like a sign of weakness, an excuse to feel sorry for myself when what I really need to do was to change my focus and work harder. I thought of a friend who has dedicated many years to the art of grief. I felt as though I was being overly dramatic when my mind flooded with a string of dates from January to February, over the years, dates I had left my husband I had filed anti-harassment charges against a former acquaintance my ex-husband, the father of my girls, died I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant with my third child I left a job I had loved. I grasped at all the tools I’ve been given over the years to normalize my emotions and make myself feel better. One morning after I dropped my son off at the bus stop for school, I drove home and was fully present to the fact that I was about to snap. I found myself angry at anything that didn’t happen exactly as I wanted it to, and for the first time in months, I was sick and forced to take time off work. I ordered more pizza than I had in the previous six months. Any opportunity to have a happy-hour meeting to blow off steam was accepted. Recently, I found myself stumbling more than usual. We are quick to recover and regain our strength in difficult times. I’m three years into being a business owner, and my children and I power through loss, stress and frustration. Divorce, and the death of my husband, are but memories. Twelve years later, I am a single mom to three children. I had never witnessed anything as striking. My husband’s hands clasped my shoulders and turned me toward the fountains across the street at the Bellagio. My eyes darted around as I tried to spy the source of the music. Andrea Bocelli’s “Time to Say Goodbye” filled the air. I was immediately overtaken by the sound. We laughed together as we pushed open the doors to Las Vegas Boulevard. My husband and I had just finished dining and gaming in the Paris casino, one late April night in Las Vegas. It may be time to say goodbye now, but this goodbye will never be forever since your souls will forever stay with each other when the right time comes.By: Jennifer Evans / in Closing the Gap, Guest Columnist, Woman It helps grieving people see death in another way. Because in the future, there will come a time that the loved ones will be reunited again in heaven.įor this reason, the song tackles separation yet it also teaches people to be optimistic. This means that every person should not look at death as a total separation of loved ones. But the good thing about it is that separation, according to the lyrics, is just temporary.

The main gist of the song is separation which happens during death. Even if the lines are written in Italian, there are still a lot of people who use the song during funeral services. More than their wonderful voices and great acoustic melodies, the song is powerful because of the lines and the meaning behind them. When they worked together and rendered the song “Time To Say Goodbye”, their collaboration was known to be one of the most memorable classical performances ever.

Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman are both known to be great singers in their own rights.